
A €10 submission fee is required*. Please contribute here to receive a code. Paste the code into the field above to complete your submission.


Important Notes

*Please note that the submission fee helps support the site’s maintenance and curation, which require time and resources; it does not guarantee that your project will be featured.

While all submissions are reviewed individually, not all are selected to be featured.

Only live websites will be considered; no concept projects, mockups, or platform-hosted cases will be accepted. Please review the catalogue’s features to ensure your project is a good fit.

Your name and email will only be used to contact you or notify you about your submission, if necessary.

Due to the high volume of submissions received, we are unable to provide feedback or notify you if your submission will be featured. If selected, you will receive an automated notification at the email address you provided.

There is no prize/award, badge, “site of the day” banner or etc.

Featured projects may be removed from the catalogue without prior notice. Periodic checks are conducted to ensure that featured projects are still online, maintain the same design, and continue to fit the catalogue’s style. If a project undergoes design updates, it must be resubmitted for consideration.

As explicitly noted throughout the site, all screenshot rights belong to their respective owners. If you’d like your project removed from the catalogue for any reason, please contact us here to request removal (no questions asked).

For any issues regarding the submission process, please get in touch here.